Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.
Last night was Vampire with the Nerds. After the last fiasco, I thought it might have been a more subdued start to the night. But no...
The group wake up in their Havens, and they all -separately- hunt. Everyone gets some except The Furher, who (although he is charming the barwenches onto his lap) goosed the girl and she slaps him and walks off. However, we were only getting the rest of the group out of the way so that we could concentrate on French Resistance...
He wakes up. He has no blood in his system whatsoever, but he has no trigger near him for Frenzy at the moment of waking. Living on a side alley near the rough bit of the docks and this being early evening, he manages to grab himself a scrawny looking dockworker and once he gets his hands on the poor guy (at least lasting long enough to drag him down a smaller alleyway) starts ripping uncontrollably into his neck. Bood gouts, lumps are chewed from his neck before being spat out onto the floor, FR is covered in the remains of the victim. Thankfully, he dies almost immediately, and luckily no-one comes around the corner. So there stands the Brujah, covered in blood and cradling a thoroughly savaged man in his arms. He plans to dump him in the docks, to which I respond “So you want to walk through the busy docks to the harbourside and throw a dead man into the water in front of a load of workers?” Hubby, meanwhile, jokes that with his strength and potence he could probably throw the body into the water from where he is stood...
“What a good idea!” says FR, “Nic, I'm going to hurl the body up onto the roof of the nearest tall building!”. As I smash my head onto the table, and the rest of the group fall over laughing, I grit my teeth “OK, let me have a look at your character sheet”. Now, I know he has the strength to do it, especially as the body is now a dried husk, and so I check his Dex. I roll it for him. What a shame I roll a fail and a 1...
Looking him straight in the eye, I set the scene...
“Building momentum, swinging the body up and down, you check the range, face away from the wall and prepare to launch the man above your head. With an almighty heave, you throw him into the air... Feeling smug with yourself, you prepare to wipe your hands clean when you hear a smashing sound as the body hurtles through the first floor window and onto the dining table, just as the resident family is sitting down for their evening meal.”
At this point, FR, who has apparently learnt his lesson, runs away from the scene (the scene occurring just a couple of doors down from his own Havan) and jumps into the canal to wash off the copious amounts of blood. Shocked screams echo once more across the Venetian night...
During this time, the rest of the group have met in their usual coffee shop in the main square, where Captain Barbeque regales them with the tale of the previous evening and they all do the 16th Century version of a facepalm. They decide to head in the direction of FRs haven (they know it's in the rough bit of the docks, but not exactly where). Meanwhile, he heads back to the coffee shop, missing them by minutes. Hanging around there, he decides to go and talk to the Prince and apologise.
The guys get to the docks. They follow the screams, and get to the alleyway as the Watch are lifting the body out of the house with a sheet over it. They chat to the crowd and the Watch, getting the various bare bones of the story and spreading rumours to cast misdirection. The best story that they come up with is a wild animal. Only this is in the city. No wild animals. Oh wait...they're by the docks! Circus animals that escape during unloading! A bear - awesome. While I'm reeling form this, the bear gets a name. It is called Bobo. Bobo the rabid dancing bear, loose upon the city and killing people and flinging them through first floor windows.
First we had the EelMan of Venice, then the Great Door Smasher, now we have the Phantom Body Flinger and BoBo the Dancing DeathBear.
Thankfully, the rest of the evening was more sensible. But this is a game that will stay in the memory for a very long time
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
And that makes the set!
The three previous games group models were done by May last year. The fourth guy insisted on holding out on me.
However, it was his 40th in February, and I proposed to the rest of the group that I make him his character for a birthday present. The guy for whom I painted the elf with the staff (with the big knob on the end) agreed with this and agreed to fund the project.
And so, I present Vil. It's not perfectly his character, but everyone said it was great and it's a lot better than the previous "pre-painted" model that he had been using!

However, it was his 40th in February, and I proposed to the rest of the group that I make him his character for a birthday present. The guy for whom I painted the elf with the staff (with the big knob on the end) agreed with this and agreed to fund the project.
And so, I present Vil. It's not perfectly his character, but everyone said it was great and it's a lot better than the previous "pre-painted" model that he had been using!

Friday, 5 March 2010
On the "intelligence" of men
As I have previously mentioned through Failbook, here is the story of last Mondays vampire session...
The group are investgating into a series of brutal and masquerade-breaching murders in Venice, 1536. They are heading around the murder sites to get clues. They go to one and they hear a shutter bang shut (it's a dodgy area of town, a group of five are standing outside looking not at all like the city watch). French Resistance - not the smartest character but by no means the dumbest - decides to ask the occupants questions.
Oddly enough, they are not prepared to open their door to a strange man at 2am. In annoyance he knocks the door off its hinges thereby flattening the frail old man behind it and killing him. His wife starts screaming, and in the distance the group hear the sound of bells as the watch come running. Meanwhile, Hubbys and Pixie's characters (posh and beautiful people, Toreador and Tremere respectively) saunter off arm in arm, The Furher (burly Gangrel) picks up a convenient small barrel, slings it over his shoulder and strides off towards the docks. Captain Barbeque (Lasombra antitribue) decides to hide in the shadows. French Resistance first attempts to climb a wall (succeeding only in ripping off lumps of damp plaster) then runs off, then turns round and goes back. Goes. Back...
He goes back to the scene of the crime he has caused. The sarge is inside talking to the slightly hysterical woman who has seen her husband of many years squashed before her eyes as a locked and securely barred door landed on him. Three watchmen are outside. The woman inside screams "THAT'S HIM!!" and the three watchmen jump him. Two grab an arm each and the third punches him in the nose to no effect. He then smashes the two on him together, making them all stagger back. They draw their swords, two manage to stick him in the gut and he decides to frenzy...
Punching the three in turn, he cracks ribs, knocks one guy to the ground and punches him in the head. Through the face. Cracking the flag beneath and ending up with gore spread up his arm (sigh). He dispatches the other two as the Sarge comes out of the house, takes one look and legs it. Frenchie then wanders off back to his haven happily licking his arm.
Meanwhile, Captain Barbeque is watching from the shadows with an utterly incredulous look on his face, and the rest of the player group are screaming with laughter and going into convulsions of hysteria at the table.
Frenchie is gonna have a LOT of explaining to do next Monday...
The group are investgating into a series of brutal and masquerade-breaching murders in Venice, 1536. They are heading around the murder sites to get clues. They go to one and they hear a shutter bang shut (it's a dodgy area of town, a group of five are standing outside looking not at all like the city watch). French Resistance - not the smartest character but by no means the dumbest - decides to ask the occupants questions.
Oddly enough, they are not prepared to open their door to a strange man at 2am. In annoyance he knocks the door off its hinges thereby flattening the frail old man behind it and killing him. His wife starts screaming, and in the distance the group hear the sound of bells as the watch come running. Meanwhile, Hubbys and Pixie's characters (posh and beautiful people, Toreador and Tremere respectively) saunter off arm in arm, The Furher (burly Gangrel) picks up a convenient small barrel, slings it over his shoulder and strides off towards the docks. Captain Barbeque (Lasombra antitribue) decides to hide in the shadows. French Resistance first attempts to climb a wall (succeeding only in ripping off lumps of damp plaster) then runs off, then turns round and goes back. Goes. Back...
He goes back to the scene of the crime he has caused. The sarge is inside talking to the slightly hysterical woman who has seen her husband of many years squashed before her eyes as a locked and securely barred door landed on him. Three watchmen are outside. The woman inside screams "THAT'S HIM!!" and the three watchmen jump him. Two grab an arm each and the third punches him in the nose to no effect. He then smashes the two on him together, making them all stagger back. They draw their swords, two manage to stick him in the gut and he decides to frenzy...
Punching the three in turn, he cracks ribs, knocks one guy to the ground and punches him in the head. Through the face. Cracking the flag beneath and ending up with gore spread up his arm (sigh). He dispatches the other two as the Sarge comes out of the house, takes one look and legs it. Frenchie then wanders off back to his haven happily licking his arm.
Meanwhile, Captain Barbeque is watching from the shadows with an utterly incredulous look on his face, and the rest of the player group are screaming with laughter and going into convulsions of hysteria at the table.
Frenchie is gonna have a LOT of explaining to do next Monday...
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