Anyhoo, I was presented with the old Warhammer Quest witch hunter model by a friend. Let's call him Nick, for that is his name. He had already painted it, but it was during his "Terracotta Phase". I particularly liked his pink bandoliers. However, painting the shirt and trousers pink as well just made him look a bit...well, a bit camp.
So, I looked back over various posts on the Warhammer forum (and the blog of the Mighty Mighty Willard Foxton) and bought myself a bottle of Flash All-Purpose to strip the paint. I left him soaking for about three days and then attacked the model with an old toothbrush (which fell apart under the strain) and a cocktail stick. The paint just flaked off in a very satisfying way, leaving the model looking shiny and new.
Naturally, he was not equipped right. For one thing, I hated the curved scimitar-esque sword, and for another, Miles (for that is the characters name) doesn't have a pistol. I had to change that out for a cross bow. I think you will agree that the model looks a lot better...

And then I was able to start painting him. Obviously once the paint stripping was done and before the conversion was started, mini-Miles was washed very -very- well. I didn't want the paint to start dissolving off him as I painted, after all! And so, I present: Miles Brauer, Witch Hunter in training of Steinhof, east Ostland!